Coming Up With A Dating App Concept

If your dating app specifically targets 20-35-year-old musicians who are looking to date other musicians – get ten single musicians together to form your focus group

The point of any dating app should be to make dating easier, more convenient, more effective, or at least, more fun. Nobody needs just another dating app, people need the right dating app that will actually serve their needs. When developing or evaluating your dating app concept, consider the following questions:

Proving The Demand

It is a fact that people want to date, and that people are open to using technology to help them. It is an only assumption, however, that your concept is the right one to help them meet their dating goals. Prior to your dating app development (before even touching the first line of code, it is important to prove that singles would even be interested in using the dating app concept that you have developed.

Instead of jumping the gun and immediately hiring your local dating app developers; start by blueprinting your idea to visualize how it will look, then have the app designed. Develop a low-function (or no-function) demo or prototype, or in some cases, even a well-put-together app video will do.

Create a focus group of individuals within your specific demographic. Show them the demo, ask them questions about their thoughts and encourage them to give feedback; open up the floor and allow them to ask you questions about your concept. By going through this focus group process, you will realize one of three things about your dating app concept:


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